AOL Star Wars Trivia
Subj: Star Wars Trivia Results - 6/3/96 Date: 96-06-04 18:18:01 EDT From: SWKeith To: Uncle Owen, VADER129, BrentLynch To: Tkytoast@znet.com, JRSDepping, Last Gasp To: MaIaryush, QUEST32681, LkSkywlkr, R5D4Red2 To: Luke SkyR5, AsaJay, A BoyScout, Yavin IV To: DallaThBlk, Callie Sky, OGF Tagge, Skip Shay To: RaceBann, SWKeith <><><><><>Star Wars Trivia with SWKeith<><><><><> <><><>Round 1<><>Game 8<><><> Results for June 3, 1996 SPECIAL HEIR TO THE EMPIRE TRILOGY TRIVIA URGENT NOTE Does anybody have a copy of the log for last weeks trivia game with Huptoman? I accidentally threw mine away and we can't do the results. If anyone has it, please send it to either myself or huptoman via e-mail. If we don't get the log, we will unfortunately have to replay the game. Please note all trivia games from now on will take place in The Cantina, a new chat room found in the Star Wars Online folder at keyword SciFi. If you wish to guest host, let me know. I will try to get you a game to do. Please volunteer only if you have knowledge on how the game runs. Trivia Winner - Two free hours on AOL: (A New Guy) KPalpatine Random Prize - One free hour on AOL: Twig 32 <><><><><>Points<><><><><> With 1 Point - DesertTrpr, Fettdog, Brikeler With 2 Points - McNuts34 With 3 Points - JabaHutt30 With 4 Points - IndoeSmoke With 5 Points - D Studebake With 6 Points - Circapous With 7 Points - Cyber77, Ishamael With 8 Points - Sionell18 With 9 Points - DagdaBless With 10 Points - LordVa912, SamMastr7 With 11 Points - Twig32, Wedge124 With 13 Points - Dunc397, JdiJade With 14 Points - D Starkill, Kenobi2142 With 15 Points - Huptoman With 16 Points - Butlighter, Gonzo 1013, Gilespee7 With 17 Points - KPalpatine <><><><><><><>Questions and Answers<><><><><><><> WHERE WAS THE FIRST NOGHRI ATTACK AGAINST LUKE AND LEIA ANS: BIMMISARLI POINTS TO: JADE, MCNUTS, DICE, SAM, DSTUDE, KPALP, BUT, HUPTO, GONZO, GILL, TWIG, KENOBI, INDOE, DAGDA. WHAT IS THE REAL SPECIES NAME OF FERRIER'S PET WRAITH ANS: DEFEL POINTS TO: KPALP, GONZO, KENOBI, DICE, DAGDA, HUPTO, DUNC, FETTDOG, DSTUDE, SAM, BUT, TWIG, CYBER, TRP WHAT TYPE OF SHIPS DID LUKE WISH THAT THE KATANA FLEET WAS MADE UP OF ANS: STAR GALLEON POINTS TO: KPALP, BUT, HUPTO, DUNC, KENOBI, DSTUDE, GONZO, TWIG WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE TAP CAFE ON NEW COV ANS: MISHRA POINTS TO: GILL, JADE, KPALP, GONZO, TWIG, MCNUTS, SAM, DUNC WHAT WAS THE HOME PLANET OF THE YSALAMIRI ANS: MYRYR POINTS TO: GILL, DSTUDE, SAM, BUT, ELL, KPALP, DICE, DAGDA, KENOBI, GONZO, HUPTO, TWIG WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE ORIGINAL ENCRYPT CODE FROM THE ORIGINAL DEATH STAR TO CORUSCANT ANS: ILKO POINT TO: KPALP WHAT COLOR WAS LUUKE SKYWALKER'S LIGHTSABER? ANS: BLUE POINTS TO: KPALP, WEDGE, DAGDA, KENOBI, DUNC, DICE, CYBER, JADE, JABBA, DSTUDE, BRIKEL, GILL, BUT. HOW MANY TIMES DID THRAWN DEFY THE EMPEROR'S ORDERS ANS: 4 POINTS TO NONE HOW LONG WAS LEIA IN LABOR ANS: 10 HOURS POINTS TO: DUNC, TWIG, GONZO, DICE, GILL, WEDGE, KENOBI, HUPTO WHICH REPUBLIC OFFICER DOES LEIA ACKNOWLEDGE TO KNOWING THE MOST ABOUT STAR DESTROYERS ANS: DRAYSON POINTS TO: DUNC, DICE, GILL, BUT, KPALP, KENOBI, CYBER WHAT IS THE CAPITAL CITY OF HONOGHR ANS: NYSTAO POINTS TO: GILL, KPALP, BUT(GIFT), ELL, DUNC, GONZO, JADE WHO IS OLDER, JACEN OR JAINA ANS: JAINA POINTS TO: DICE, ISHAMAIL, LORDS, CIRC, GILL, SAM, JADE, ELL, JABA, CYBER ONE POINT FOR EACH ANSWER NAME THE 2 PEOPLE WHO ORIGINALLY KNEW THE LOCATION OF THE KATANA FLEET ANS: KARRDE AND HOFFNER POINTS TO: INDOE, DICE(2), TWIG, ISHAMAEL, GOZNO(2), ELL, JABA, JADE(2), WEDGE(2), BUT(2), KENOBI(2), KPALP(2), CYBER, CIRC, LORDS(2), HUPTO(2), SAM, DUNC, GILL(2). HOW MUCH MONEY DID KARRDE WANT TO AID LEIA ON HER TRIP TO WAYLAND ANS: 70,000 CREDITS POINTS TO NONE WHERE WAS MARA DURING THE BATTLE OF ENDOR ANS: CORUSCANT POINTS TO: KPALP, LORDS, JADE, INDOE, DUNC, GONZO, ISHAMAIL, BUT, HUPTO, WEDGE, ELL, SAM WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE 4 ARMED SPECIES THAT LIVED ON WAYLAND ANS: MYNERSHI POINTS TO: DUNC, CIRC, HUPTO, JADE, TWIG, BUT, HOW DID HAN RECOGNIZE COUNSELOR AIDE BREILYA ANS: NECKPIECE POINTS TO: KENOBI, KPALP, GILL, DAGDA, LORDS, HUPTO, WEDGD, ELL, CYBER WHICH STAR DESTROYER FAILED TO CAPTURE HAN, LUKE, AND LANDO AT NEW COV? ANS: RELENTLESS POINTS TO NONE WHAT SPECIES CAN'T SUCESSFULLY DEFEND AGAINST A MARG SABL ANS: ELOMIN POINTS TO: LORDS, DUNC, GILL, GONZO, TWIG, HUPTO, DICE, ISHAMEL, KENOBI, CIRC HOW MANY ASTEROIDS DID THRAWN LEAVE OVER CORUSCANT ANS: 22 POINTS TO: KPALP, GILL, BUT, TWIG, GONZO, HUPTO, LORDS, WEDGE HOW MANY SHIPS AND WHAT TYPE ARE IN THE "DARK FORCE" ANS: 200 DREADNAUGHTS POINTS TO: DICE, KPALP, GONZO, WEDGE, ISHAMAEL, JADE, BUT, LORDS, DAGDA FBTQ 8 POSSIBLE ANSWERS, 1 POINT FOR EVERY 2 ANSWERS NAME ALL THE IMPERIAL-CLASS STAR DESTROYERS MENTIONED IN THE HTTE TRILOGY ANS: RELENTLESS, JUDICATOR, CHIMAERA, PEREMPTORY, DEATH'S HEAD, BELLICOSE, STORMHAWK, AND NEMESIS POINTS TO: ISHAMAEL(2), KPALP(2), TWIG(1), WEDGE(3), GONZO(3), DICE(3), JADE(3), INDOE(1), ELL(2), SAM(3), CIRC(2), LORDS(2), DUNC(2), KENOBI(3), BUT(3), DAGDA(3), CYBER(1), GILL(3), HUPTO(3). NOBODY GOT PEREMPTORY, AND DICE WAS THE ONLY ONE WITH STORMHAWK <><><><><><>Cumalitive Points<><><><><><> Here are the top 15 scorers for Monday Trivia. On the tenth game, there will be a championship game for the top 10 scorers throughout the nine games of trivia for round 1. Although only the top 15 are listed, all players scores are kept, so e-mail me if you wish to know your total. This list obviously doesn't contain scores from game 7. Gonzo1013 - 105 Points Gillespee7 - 94 Points D Starkill - 82 Points Butlighter - 73 Points LordVa912 - 69 Points JdiJade - 65 Points Dagda Bless - 64 Points T3PO - 60 Points Huptoman - 51 Points Sam Mastr7 - 48 Points -------------------------------------------------------- DStudebake - 45 Points Kenobi2142 - 41 Points JediEmber - 30 Points Quest32681 - 20 Points Sionell18- 20 Points Callista21 - 20 Points Here is the schedule for upcoming Monday games. All games take place at 9P.M. EST in The Cantina. 6/10- Round 1 Game 9: General Trivia 6/17: Round 1 Champ Game or Round 1 Game 7 6/24: Round 1 Champ Game if the 17th is Game 7 Schedule is subject to change. <><><> AOL Star Wars Fan Club Schedule <><><> MONDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Trivia with SWKeith in The Cantina. No fact or number is too trivial. Win free AOL hours! TUESDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Ladies Night in private room Star Ladies. The Star Wars Ladies Night is a free form discussion group that provides an opportunity for SW fans to discuss issues of interest to women. Join us as we discuss the Star Wars trilogy and its legacy from a woman's point of view. E-mail Ghislaine or LdyTempus for more info. WEDNESDAYS ---------- 10:00 PM ET: Star Wars Round Table Conference (RTC) in private room The Cantina. The RTC is a free form discussion forum about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. E-mail Karrde905 for more info. FRIDAYS ---------- 12:00 Midnight ET: Star Wars Trivia with ABoyScout in The Cantina. The original! Win free AOL hours! SATURDAYS ---------- 8:00 PM ET: Young Jedi Knight Trivia in The Cantina. Hosted by STEVENAD, QUEST32681 & JediCS. For Star Wars fans 18 and under. For information, contact STEVENAD,QUEST32681 or JediCS. ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING/SIMULATIONS ---------- For information, check the Star Wars Sim forum at keyword STARWARS. NEWSLETTER ---------- The HoloCroN, the AOL Star Wars Fan Club newsletter, is published monthly by BrentLynch. The HoloCroN is available in a plain ASCII text version and graphics-enhanced Windows and Macintosh versions. You can find the latest issue in the Star Wars Software Library. If you'd like to contribute an article, review, thought, or anything, e-mail JRSDepping. Send Jawa Junk (buy/sell/trade) ads to YavinIV. Send art to BrentLynch. May the Force be with You. And thank you for playing Star Wars Trivia with SWKeith Please send any inquiries about this mailing to me. SWKeith
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