AOL Star Wars Trivia
Subj: Star Wars Trivia Results 10-9 Date: 95-10-10 17:40:34 EDT From: Yavin IV To: Uncle Owen Sent on: America Online (using WAOL 2.5) Please send any inquiries about this mailing to Yavin IV, NOT Uncle Owen. Thank you. <><><> Star Wars Trivia with Yavin IV <><><> <><> Round Three <><> Game Three <><> Results for October 9, 1995 ****ALL SPLINTER OF THE MIND'S EYE TRIVIA, WITH GHOST-HOST JARETHBG**** <><><> Prizes <><><> Trivia Winner - Two free hours on AOL: JEDIBOND. Random Prize - One free hour on AOL: DStarkill. Random Prize - Free SW Galaxy 3 Promos: T3PO, JediDirk, VanColen, ONYARROK, Jedi806542. <><><> Points <><><> With 1 point: JulieMcQ, HSJADE, JediFlyboy, Jedi806542, LdyLeia, Fett208, JediTJ. With 2 points: VanColen, QUEST32681, MJillCohen, JessaDoc, CIQ, SenGaeriel. With 3 points: JGarzillo, ONYARROK. With 4 points: JediDirk, Butlighter. With 6 points: DStarkill. With 7 points: Ghent2. With 8 points: LordVa912. With 9 points: QwiXux335, T3PO. With 10 points: Moff33, JediMatt14. With 11 points: JEDIBOND. <><><> Questions and Answers <><><> WHAT IS ANOTHER NAME FOR MIMBAN? ANSWER: CIRCARPOUS V. POINTS: LordVa912, QwiXux335. WHERE DID LUKE LEARN TO SPEAK YUZZEM? ANSWER: ON UNCLE OWEN'S FARM. POINTS: Moff33, JEDIBOND, JulieMcQ, QwiXux335, T3PO, Ghent2, Butlighter. WHO DIED FIRST, HIN OR KEE? ANSWER: KEE. POINTS: T3PO, VanColen, QwiXux335, JediMatt14, QUEST32681, LordVa912, HSJADE, JediDirk. WHAT TYPE OF SHIP DID LEIA FLY TO THE CIRCARPOUS SYSTEM? ANSWER: Y-WING. POINTS: Ghent2, Moff33, QwiXux335, JEDIBOND, T3PO, MJillCohen, JGarzillo, JediMatt14, DStarkill, JediFlyboy. HOW MANY TRIPS TO MIMBAN HAVE XENOARCHAEOLOGISTS MADE? ANSWER: ONE. POINTS: Moff33, T3PO, Jedi806542, Ghent2. WHO DID LUKE TELL GRAMMEL THAT HE AND LEIA WERE? ANSWER: ESCAPED CRIMINALS. POINTS: JEDIBOND, QwiXux335. WHAT KIND OF MINING WERE THE IMPERIALS DOING ON MIMBAN? ANSWER: ENERGY MINING. POINTS: Moff33. WHICH MEMBER OF GRAMMEL'S STAFF WAS A HUMANITARIAN INFLUENCE ON HIM? ANSWER: THE DOCTOR. POINTS: Moff33, JessaDoc, T3PO, CIQ, JediDirk, Ghent2, JediMatt14, JEDIBOND, ONYARROK. WHAT DID THE IMPERIALS CALL THE NATIVES OF MIMBAN? ANSWER: GREENIES. POINTS: QwiXux335, JEDIBOND, JGarzillo, LordVa912, Moff33, T3PO, SenGaeriel, Butlighter. WHO WROTE SPLINTER OF THE MIND'S EYE? ANSWER: ALAN DEAN FOSTER. POINTS: LordVa912, JEDIBOND, JediMatt14, Moff33, QwiXux335, Ghent2, Butlighter, DStarkill, T3PO. WHERE DID GOVERNOR BIN ESSADA LIVE? ANSWER: GYNDINE. POINTS: LordVa912, JessaDoc. WHAT ARE THE UNDERGROUND NATIVES OF MIMBAN CALLED? ANSWER: THE COWAY. POINTS: DStarkill, JediDirk, JEDIBOND, LdyLeia, JediMatt14. WHO WAS THE ATTENDANT AT THE TAVERN ON MIMBAN? ANSWER: ELARLES. POINTS TO NONE. WHICH PLANET OF THE CIRCARPOUS SYSTEM WAS THE REBEL MEETING HELD ON? ANSWER: THE FOURTH. POINTS: Ghent2, JediMatt14, JediCS. WHO KILLED CAPTAIN-SUPERVISOR GRAMMEL? ANSWER: DARTH VADER. POINTS: JEDIBOND, QwiXux335, LordVa912, JediMatt14, T3PO, Fett208, JediCS. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF GRAMMEL'S CLOAKED SPY? ANSWER: BOT. POINTS: LordVa912. FBTQ: WORTH 1 POINT FOR 2, 2 POINTS FOR 4, 3 POINTS FOR 5, AND 4 POINTS FOR 6-7. LIST ALL THE PLANETS MENTIONED IN SPLINTER OF THE MIND'S EYE. ANSWER: ALDERAAN, CIRCARPOUS IV, CIRCARPOUS V OR MIMBAN, CIRCARPOUS X, CIRCARPOUS XII, GYNDINE, TATOOINE. POINTS: JGarzillo(1), T3PO(1), LordVa912(2), JediTJ(1), QwiXux335(1), CIQ(1), VanColen(1), Butlighter(1), DStarkill(3), JediDirk(1), Moff33(3), JEDIBOND(3), Ghent2(1), JediCS(2), MJillCohen(1), QUEST32681(1), SenGaeriel(1), JediMatt14(3), ONYARROK(2). <><><> Cumulative Points <><><> While all players' cumulative points are tracked, only the top fifteen players are listed here. Only the Top Ten will be eligible to play in the Round Three championships (Game 10). If you want to know your total, just E-mail me. With 10 points: JohnP29549. With 11 points: JediDirk. With 13 points: LeiaSky. With 15 points: T3PO. With 17 points: QUEST32681. With 16 points: JediCS. With 19 points: Butlighter. With 21 points: Gillespee7. With 24 points: Moff33, JediMatt14. With 29 points: LordVa912. With 34 points: Qwi Xux335. With 35 points: Ghent2. With 38 points: DStarkill. With 39 points: JEDIBOND. <><><> Trivia Questions <><><> I need trivia questions badly! Please send me your trivia suggestions, and you'll get credit and an easy point at the game. Send all questions about any Star Wars material to Yavin IV. Please include the question, answer, and source (i.e. New Books, Old Books, Movies, misc, etc, etc.....) <><><> AOL Star Wars Fan Club Schedule <><><> MONDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Trivia with Yavin IV in SciFi Chat Room. No fact or number is too trivial. Win free AOL hours and Topps promo cards! TUESDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Ladies Night in private room Star Ladies. The Star Wars Ladies Night is a free form discussion group that provides an opportunity for SW fans to discuss issues of interest to women. Join us as we discuss the Star Wars trilogy and its legacy from a woman's point of view. E-mail Ghislaine or LdyTempus for more info. WEDNESDAYS ---------- 10:00 PM ET: Star Wars Round Table Conference (RTC) in private room STAR WARS. The RTC is a free form discussion forum about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. E-mail Karrde905 for more info. FRIDAYS ---------- 12:00 Midnight ET: Star Wars Trivia with A BoyScout in SciFi Chat Room. The original! Win free AOL hours and Topps promo cards! SATURDAYS ---------- 8:00 PM ET: Young Jedi Knight Trivia in private room YOUNGJEDI. Hosted by STEVENAD for Star Wars fans 18 and under. For information, contact STEVENAD or Callie Sky. ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING/SIMULATIONS ---------- For information, check the Star Wars Sim forum at keyword SIM. NEWSLETTER ---------- The HoloCroN, the AOL Star Wars Fan Club newsletter, is published monthly by BrentLynch. The HoloCroN is available in a plain ASCII text version and graphics-enhanced Windows and Macintosh versions. You can find the latest issue in the Star Wars Software Library. If you'd like to contribute an article, review, thought, or anything, e-mail JRSDepping. If you would like to contribute a graphic to the Windows or Macintosh versions, e-mail Talkytoast. Send Jawa Junk (buy/sell/trade) ads to YavinIV. <><><> Next Trivia Game <><><> The current schedule is: October 16 - Round 3 Game 4. (Guest-host: DrkTrpr1) October 23 - Round 3 Game 5. October 30 - Round 3 Game 6. May the Force Be With You . . . Yavin IV
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