AOL Star Wars Trivia
Subj: Monday Trivia Results 6-12 Date: 95-06-16 03:27:41 EDT From: Yavin IV To: Uncle Owen <><><> Star Wars Trivia with Yavin IV <><><> <><> Round One <><> Game Seven <><> Results for June 12, 1995 GUEST HOST: QWI XUX335 <><><> Prizes <><><> Trivia winner - Two free hours on AOL: Moff33, DACoates, JediCS. Random Prize - One free hour on AOL: LonePigeon. Random Prize - Free SW Galaxy 3 Promos: Ghent2, Lord Va912. <><><> Points <><><> With 1 point: C42481, GaeriSky, SueDepping. With 2 points: Murph1977, Noghri7063, Nichols95, Tyderian. With 3 points: Jm3263827, STEVENAD. With 4 points: JJRambo, LonePigeon. With 5 points: StarElfin. With 6 points: Wheelon. With 7 points: QUEST32681, Womprat20. With 8 points: Jedimstr77, SFFan1414, DrkTrpr1. With 9 points: Pug260. With 10 points: JarethBG. With 11 points: JediD. With 13 points: Skywalk989, Sithmaster, Ghent2. With 14 points: T3PO. With 15 points: LordVa912. With 16 points: Moff33, DACoates, JediCS. <><><> Questions and Answers <><><> SALIS D'AAR IS THE CAPITAL OF WHAT PLANET? ANSWER: BAKURA. POINTS TO NONE. NAME THE FAVORITE SW COLLECTIBLE OF GEORGE LUCAS. ANSWER: WOOKIEE MUG. POINTS: T3PO, Murph1977, JJRambo, LonePigeon, Womprat20, Jedimstr77, GaeriSky, Moff33, Sithmaster. WHAT IS THE NUMBER OF THE GARBAGE MASHER IN ANH? ANSWER: 3263827. POINTS: LordVa912, Jm3263827, JediD. WHO CAPTAINS THE STAR DESTROYER IRON FIST? ANSWER: WARLORD ZSINJ. POINTS: Wheelon, Moff33, JediCS. LUKE FOUND THIS JEDI SHIP CRASHED ON DATHOMIR. ANSWER: CHU'UNTHOR. POINTS: T3PO, SFFan1414, Noghri7063, Skywalk989, JarethBG, Moff33, DACoates, Sithmaster, JediCS. WHO ATTENDED THE MAGRODY INSTITUTE AS AN AI PROGRAMMER? ANSWER: CRAY MINGLA. POINTS: Nichols95, T3PO, Wheelon, Noghri7063. NAME THE 2 GAMORREAN TRIBES IN CHILDREN OF THE JEDI. ANSWER: GAKFEDDS, KLAGGS. POINTS: DACoates, LordVa912, T3PO, QUEST32681. OWEN TOLD LUKE THAT HIS FATHER WAS A NAVIGATOR ON A _____ _____. ANSWER: SPICE FREIGHTER. POINTS: LordVa912, DACoates, Moff33, Womprat20, JediCS, Jm3263827, Murph1977, Sithmaster, T3PO, JediD, Skywalk989. WHO INSTRUCTED KYP IN THE WAYS OF THE FORCE ON KESSEL? ANSWER: VIMA-DA-BODA. POINTS: JediCS, DACoates, T3PO, Womprat20, Tyderian, Moff33, JarethBG, JediD, Wheelon. WHAT PLANET IS QWI FROM? ANSWER: OMWAT. POINTS: SFFan1414, Moff33, Skywalk989, T3PO, Jedimstr77, Womprat20, LordVa912, STEVENAD, StarElfin, JediD, Sithmaster, QUEST32681. MORUTH DOOLE IS WHAT KIND OF ALIEN? ANSWER: RYBET. POINTS: SFFan1414, T3PO, DACoates, JarethBG, Womprat20, Sithmaster, StarElfin, JediCS, Pug260, JJRambo, JediD, LonePigeon, Skywalk989, STEVENAD. NAME THE AMBASSADOR WHO POISONED MON MOTHMA. ANSWER: FURGAN. POINTS: SFFan1414, Moff33, DACoates, Sithmaster, T3PO, Jedimstr77, LordVa912, JarethBG, Skywalk989, StarElfin, Ghent2, QUEST32681, JJRambo, Pug260, JediCS, STEVENAD. NAME CHEWBACCA'S NEPHEW. ANSWER: LOWBACCA. POINTS: DrkTrpr1, DACoates, Ghent2, Skywalk989, QUEST32681, Moff33, JediCS,Nichols95, LordVa912, StarElfin. WHO DOES LEIA HIRE AS A TUTOR ON CORELLIA? ANSWER: EBRIHIM. POINTS: Ghent2, Skywalk989, DACoates, T3PO, Pug260, Moff33, Tyderian, Womprat20, JediD, LordVa912. WHAT NRI AGENT INFILTRATED CORELLIA? ANSWER: KALENDA. POINTS: Ghent2, LordVa912, DACoates, T3PO, DrkTrpr1, Sithmaster, Moff33, Womprat20, JediCS, JediD. WHAT DID YODA COOK FOR LUKE ON DAGOBAH? ANSWER: ROOTLEAF. POINTS: JediCS, Sithmaster, Ghent2. WHO INFORMS TARKIN THAT THE BASE ON DANTOOINE IS DESERTED? ANSWER: CASS. POINTS TO NONE. NAME THE SUBOCEAN CRUISE SHIP IN DARK FORCE RISING. ANSWER: CORAL VANDA. POINTS: DACoates, LordVa912, Jedimstr77, Ghent2, Moff33, JediCS, SFFan1414,DrkTrpr1, Pug260, Sithmaster, JarethBG, Wheelon, Skywalk989. IN DE 2, WHAT DID HAN ORIGINALLY WANT TO NAME ANAKIN? ANSWER: HAN SOLO, JR. POINTS: LordVa912, QUEST32681, Moff33, DACoates, JediCS, Ghent2, Wheelon. WHAT IS ANOTHER NAME FOR ADEGAN CRYSTALS? ANSWER: ILUM. POINTS: DACoates, Moff33, Skywalk989, Jedimstr77, Pug260, StarElfin, DrkTrpr1, Sithmaster, JediCS, QUEST32681, JediD, Ghent2, SFFan1414. WHERE DID THE REBELS GATHER PRIOR TO BATTLE OF ENDOR? ANSWER: SULLUST. POINTS: JarethBG, T3PO, Moff33, Ghent2, LordVa912, Sithmaster, JediCS, DrkTrpr1, JediD, DACoates, Jedimstr77, SueDepping. FINAL BONUS TRIVIA QUESTION. WORTH ONE POINT FOR EACH ANSWER. NAME ADMIRAL DAALA'S 4 STAR DESTROYERS. ANSWER: GORGON, BASILISK, MANTICORE, HYDRA. POINTS: JJRambo(1), SFFan1414(2), LordVa912(4), QUEST32681(1), DACoates(3),Ghent2(4), JediD(2), Sithmaster(2), C42481(1), T3PO(2), Wheelon(1), Moff33(3), LonePigeon(2), JediCS(3), JarethBG(4), Jedimstr77(2), DrkTrpr1(3), Skywalk989(4), Pug260(4). <><><> Cumulative Points <><><> While all players' cumulative points are tracked, only the top fifteen players are listed here. The top ten players are eligible to compete in the Round One Championship (Game Ten). If you want to know your total, just E-mail me. With 25 points: Womprat20. With 27 points: MarekStele, JediD. With 31 points: JediCS. With 32 points: JEDI99. With 33 points: LordVa912, QUEST32681. With 39 points: JediJade. With 49 points: DACoates. With 58 points: Sithmaster. With 59 points: Moff33. With 60 points: JohnP29549. With 70 points: T3PO. With 84 points: Ghent2. With 90 points: QwiXux335. <><><> Trivia Questions <><><> I need trivia questions badly! Please send me your trivia suggestions, and you'll get credit and an easy point at the game. Send all questions about any Star Wars material to Yavin IV. Please include the question, answer, and source. (i.e. New Books, Old Books, Movies, misc, etc, etc.....) <><><> Star Wars Round Table Conference <><><> The Star Wars Round Table Conference is held every Wednesday at 10:00 PM EST in private room STAR WARS. The RTC is a free form discussion session about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. If you have any questions about the RTC, e-mail Jedi Jade. <><><> The HoloCroN <><><> The HoloCroN, our club newsletter, is published monthly by AsaJay. You can find the latest issue in the Star Wars Software Library (keyword SF). If you'd like to contribute an article, review, thought, e-mail AsaJay. To place an ad to buy or sell Star Wars stuff, e-mail BEAST21589. Email Hooks for information about her Star Wars publication, "Technological Terror". <><><> Next Trivia Game <><><> The current schedule is: June 19 - Round 1 Game 8. June 26 - Round 1 Game 9. July 2 - Round 1 Game 10 (Championship). May the Force Be With You . . . Yavin IV
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