AOL Star Wars Trivia
<><><><>Star Wars Trivia with Guest Host <><><><><> <><><>Round 15<><> Game 6<><><> Results for July 4, 1997 Answer every questions once and only once or not get credit for a correct answer. The answer must be recieved before I say time. Any questions or comments MUST be emailed to me. NO disruptions will be tolerated. <><><><>Points<><><><> With 6 points: CkBobaFet With 5 points: PatHSolo, Tourville1 With 4 points: SeanDtiger, YODAVI, CaptSolo20, QUEST32681, JediTravis With 3 points: Rogue3244 With 2 points: Paploo944, Freak70612, JULSX, DBUTKILER With 1 points: The1GWiz, Fett3122, WAntilles1, PorkinsR6, HollywdLiz <><><>Questions and Answers<><><> SOURCE: NEW BOOKS WHOSE NICKNAME IS ICEHEART? ANSWER: YSSANE ISARD Points: SeanDtiger, The1GWiz, Fett3122, Rogue3244, PatHSolo, WAntilles1, Paploo944, CkBobaFet, Tourville1. SOURCE: ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO CHARACTERS WHAT IS MON MOTHMA'S HOMEWORLD? ANSWER: CHANDRILLA Points: PatHSolo, YODAVI, CaptSolo20. SOURCE: RECENT BOOKS HOW MANY YEARS DID DAALA SPEND AT MAW INSTALLATION? ANSWER: 11 Points: None. SOURCE: CLASSIC BOOKS AT WHAT AGE DID LEIA JOIN THE IMPERIAL SENATE? ANSWER: 18 Points: CaptSolo20, Paploo944, Freak70612. SOURCE: RECENT BOOKS N' STUFF (QUITE POSSIBLY THAT ESSENTIAL GUIDE THING) TO WHAT CLAN DID TENENEIL DJO BELONG? ANSWER: SINGING MOUNTAIN CLAN Points: PatHSolo, Freak70612, SeanDtiger, Rogue3244, Tourville1, QUEST32681, CkBobaFet, YODAVI, CaptSolo20. SOURCE: GUIDE N' RECENT BOOKS BY WHAT NAME DID MARA JADE GO BY IN JABBA'S PALACE? ANSWER: ARICA Points: PatHSolo, CkBobaFet, Tourville1, YODAVI, Rogue3244, SeanDtiger, QUEST32681, PorkinsR6. SOURCE: RECENT BOOKS ON WHAT SHIP WAS CALLISTA'S SPIRIT TRAPPED? ANSWER: EYE OF PALPATINE Points: YODAVI, JediTravis, Tourville1, JULSX. SOURCE: RECENT BOOKS WHERE DO RILLAO'S FORCE TALENTS LIE? ANSWER: HEALING Points: JediTravis, PatHSolo, SeanDtiger, Tourville1, CkBobaFet, CaptSolo20. SOURCE: RECENT BOOKS WHAT DOES JAINA USE TO ESCAPE FROM HER CELL ON HETHRIR'S WORLDCRAFT? ANSWER: MULTI-TOOL Points: JediTravis. SOURCE: COMICS NAME NOMI SUNRIDER'S JEDI MASTER. ANSWER: MASTER THON Points: QUEST32681, CkBobaFet, DBUTKILER. SOURCE: NEW BOOKS. NAME THE 2 MALES WINTER HAS A *RELATIONSHIP* WITH. ANSWER: ADMIRAL ACKBAR, TYCHO CELCHU Points: None. FBTQ: 1 POINT EACH. 4 POINTS MAX. SOURCE: ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO CHARACTERS NAME THE FALSE NAMES MARA HAS USED ANSWERS: (POOR PAT) ARICA, KARRINNA JANISIH, MARELLIS, CELINA, MARNISS Points: CkBobaFet(1), JediTravis(1), DBUTKILER(1), JULSX(1), QUEST32681(1), HollywdLiz(1). <><><>Cummulative points<><><> Here are all cummulative total points for Round 15. There was a mistake in Game 1 so there may be some changes. Email ABoyScout questions. AlexLiu 17 Am54g 5 CaptSolo20 4 ChewbaccaF 9 CkBobaFet 6 DBUTKILER 16 EmprorHand 30 EnsBlair 2 Fett3122 1 FF3Man999 18 FoggyMyst 7 Forceuzer 41 Freak70612 2 Ghent22 27 Gimli33 14 GdAmThrawn 34 HollywdLiz 21 JdiJade 11 JediTravis 46 JULSX 15 Leia38D 18 LeiaS198 2 Mario120FX 6 NERDLUCK97 43 ObiWan166 30 Paploo944 2 PatHSolo 59 PorkinsR6 1 QUEST32681 66 R5D4Red2 9 Rogue3244 23 Rukh7680 6 SeanDtiger 37 Shadan2 9 TachyonX 9 TamithaKai 10 The1GWiz 23 TotDoneta 45 Tourville1 40 TRybicki 6 Usako83 25 WAntilles1 26 Xwing4718 9 YODAVI 7 <><><><><> More Trivia Questions <><><><><> I need questions to use during trivia badly. Please send your suggestions to Skywalk989 and I may use them. If you are interested in guest hosting, please think up between 15 and 20 questions, and a final question with 4 or more answers. Send them to me and I will give you a date to host. <><><> Online Star Wars Fan Club Schedule <><><> MONDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars "Jedi Knight" Trivia with GdAmThrawn in the Cantina Chat Room. TUESDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Ladies Night. E-mail Ghitsa or SueDepping for more info. Private Room Star Ladies. 10:00 PM ET: Star Wars Unlimited Meeting. E-mail Capeman69 to join. WEDNESDAYS ---------- 8:00 PM ET: Rebel Squadrons, Republic Shield Meeting in the Cantina. The Republic Shield is a club based on Lucas Arts Games. For information, Contact DialaThos. To join, Contact MacMan RS. 10:00 PM ET: Jawa Junk Live in the Cantina Chat Room. Hosted by QUEST32681 and AWing5. Find that Star Wars treasure you've been looking for! THURSDAYS ------------ 9:00 PM EST: Jedi Apprentice Trivia in the Cantina! Hosted by Rogue3244 and Quest32681. Star Wars trivia with special rules for rookies. None of the top ten players from other SWOFC trivia games allowed! "Apprentices you are, Knights you will become." 10:00 PM EST: Jedi Master Trivia in the Cantina! Hosted by PXizorBSn1. "Ready are you? What know you of ready?" Accept the trivia challenge of Jedi Masters! No fact or number is too trivial. FRIDAYS ---------- 12:00 Midnight ET: Star Wars Jedi Knight Trivia with Skywalk989 in the Cantina Chat Room. The original SWOFC trivia! 12:00 Midnight ET: Mara Jade Fan Club. Anothernet server, channel #ClubJade. SATURDAYS ---------- 12:00 Noon ET: Emperor's Hammer. Undernet server, channel #Emperors_Hammer. 8:00 PM ET: Young Jedi Knight Trivia in the Cantina Chat Room. For Star Wars fans 18 and under. For information, contact JediEmber. 9:00 PM ET: Saturday Knight Trivia with Yoda VI in the Cantina Chat Room. For more information, contact Yoda VI. 10 PM EST: Star Wars Trivia on IRC! Undernet server, channel #SWOnline. SUNDAYS ---------- 2:00 PM ET: Star Ladies, the Sunday Edition! Private Room Star Ladies. E-mail JessaDoc or SueDepping for more info. 2:00 PM EST: Star Wars International Chat... Undernet server, channel #SWOnline. 9:00 PM ET: The Emperors Hammer Club Meeting. The Emperor's Hammer recently surpasses the 100 meeting mark! Congratulations to this Strong Arm of the Emperor. For information, contact GA Ronin -ABS
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