AOL Star Wars Trivia
<><><> STAR WARS TRIVIA WITH SHADAN2! <><><> <><> ROUND THIRTEEN <><> GAME 5 <><> THEME: ALL KJA BOOKS Congratulations to trivia winners Kahlan39 and SWKeith. <><><><><><>Points<><><><><><><><><> With 17 points: Kahlan39, Swkeith With 13 points: Skywalk989 With 11 points: Quest32681 With 10 points: TotDoneta With 8 points: PXizorBSn1 With 5 points: RSeym75992 With 4 points: SMSKemo, PorkonsR6 With 3 points: Roast doug With 2 points: Corras With 1 point: Shaada, DallaThBlk, Baker 17, BoShek3 <><><><><><><><><>Questions and Answers<><><><><><><><><><><><> 1) SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH WHO SPEARHEADED THE EFFORT TO HELP THE FERAL PEOPLE? ANS: JAN DODONNA POINTS:NONE 2)SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH WHERE WAS THE FIRST PERSON LUKE RECRUITED FROM? ANS: EOL SHA POINTS:SWKeith, QUEST32681 3)SOURCE:JEDI SEARCH WHO WAS THE FIRST CANDIDATE THREEPIO UNCOVERED? ANS: TYMMO POINTS:SWKeith, Kahlan39, PXizorBSn1, Corras, PorkinsR6, TotDoneta, QUEST32681, SMSKemo. 4)SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH WHAT COLOR WAS KYP AURA? ANSWER: RED POINT: SWKeith 5)SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH WHAT WAS THE CODE TO SHUT DOWN THE CONSTRUCTION DROID? ANSWER: SWG0027 6)SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH WHO DID HAN TELL THE TRUE PURPOSE OF THE DEATH STAR? ANSWER: QWI XUX POINTS:PXizorBSn1, SWKeith, Roast doug, TotDoneta, QUEST32681, Kahlan39, SMSKemo. 7)SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH ON WHAT PLANET WHERE THE SOLO CHILDREN HIDDEN? ANSWER: ANOTH POINTS:Kahlan39, SWKeith, Skywalk989, Roast doug, TotDoneta, QUEST32681. 8)SOURCE: DARKSABER WHERE DID CALLISTA FIRST RETOUCH THE FORCE? ANSWER: DAGOBAH POINTS:SWKeith, Kahlan39, TotDoneta, Skywalk989, RSeym75992. 9)SOURCE: DARKSABER WHO DEFEATED PELLEAON AT YAVIN IV? ANSWER: DORSK 81 OR JEDI KNIGHTS POINTS:SWKeith, TotDoneta, Skywalk989, PXizorBSn1, PorkinsR6, Kahlan39, Wicca6, QUEST32681. 10)SOURCE: DARK APPRENTIC WHERE DID KYP GO AFTER LEAVING YAVIN? ANSWER: ENDOR POINTS:Kahlan39, SWKeith, Skywalk989, PorkinsR6, QUEST32681, PXizorBSn1. 11)SOURCE: DARK APPRENTICE WHAT STRUCTURE DOES ACKBAR DESTROY? ANSWER: CATHEDRAL OF WINDS POINTS:SWKeith, Skywalk989, RSeym75992, PXizorBSn1, Kahlan39, QUEST32681. 12)SOURCE: DARK APPRENTICE WHAT DID HAN GIVE KYP BEFORE GOING TO YAVIN? ANSWER: BLACK CAPE POINTS:Kahlan39, SWKeith, Skywalk989, QUEST32681, Corras, TotDoneta, PXizorBSn1. 13)SOURCE: DARK APPRENTICE WHAT SHIP WAS DAALA GOING TO HAVE DESTROY CORUSCANT? ANSWER: BASSILSK POINTS:SWKeith, TotDoneta, SMSKemo. 14)SOURCE: NEW BOOKS WHAT PLANET IS THE COMMANDER OF THE 5TH FLEET FROM? ANSWER: DORNEA 15)SOURCE: CHAMPIONS OF THE FORCE WHERE DID KYP HIDE AFTER DESTROYING THE SUN CRUSHER? ANSWER: MESSAGE TUBE POINT:Kewltoy1 16)SOURCE: CHAMPIONS OF THE FORCE WHAT COLOR ARE QWI XUX'S EYES? ANSWER: INDIGO POINTS:Skywalk989, Shaada, PorkinsR6, Kahlan39, DallaThBlk. 17)SOURCE: MOVIES HOW MUCH WAS HAN SOLO GOING TO GET TOTAL FOR TRANSPORT TO ALDEREEN? ANSWER: 17,000 POINTS:TotDoneta, Kahlan39, Skywalk989. 18)SOURCE: NEW BOOKS WHO WANTED TO USE CLONES IN THE EMPIURE? ANS:THRAWN POINTS:Skywalk989, Kahlan39, SWKeith. 19)SOURCE: NEW BOOKS WHO WANTED TO KILL LUKE AND WAS A HAND? ANS:MARA POINTS:Kahlan39, SWKeith. LAST ONE BEFORE FBTQ SOURCE: CHAMPIONS OF THE FORCE WHO GOT THEIR CONSORT RETURNED? ANSWER:DUCHASS MISTAL FROM DARGUL POINTS:Kahlan39, Skywalk989, TotDoneta, SWKeith. FBTQ: 1 POINT 1, 2 FOR 2, 3 FOR 3, 4 FOR 4 SOURCE: JEDI SEARCH WHAT THINGS WORRIED 3P0 ABOUT EOL SHA? ANS: EARTHQUAKES, GEYSERS, VOLCANOES, LAVA Kewltoy1 (1), TotDoneta (1), BAKER17 (1), SWKeith (3), Skywalk989 (3), Kahlan39 (4), SMSKemo (1), Roast doug (1), BoShek3 (1), PXizorBSn1 (2), QUEST32681 (3), RSeym75992 (3). <><><><><><>Cumalitive Points <><><><><><> Here are the fifteen scores, all the top ten may play in the champs. All scores are kept track of, so e-mail me to find out your total. Kahlan39 72 SWKeith 63 D BUTKILER 57 Skywalk989 52 T3PO 47 PXizorBSn1 47 Quest32681 39 JessaDoc 34 DagdaBless 30 TamithaKai 29 LandoDPlMP 29 Wedge Pitt2 27 Beach Jedi 26 Taanab II 26 JediCS 23 Round 13 Schedule 12/6 Round 13 - Game 6 Guest host D BUTKILER 12/13 Round 13 - Game 7 12/20 Round 13 - Game 8: Guest host-WedgePitt2 12/27 Round 13 - Game 9 1/3 NO GAME- FOOLS TRIVIA? 1/10 NO GAME-FOOLS TRIVIA? <><><> AOL Star Wars Fan Club Schedule <><><> MONDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Teams and Regular Trivia with SWKeith in The Cantina. No fact or number is too trivial. TUESDAYS ---------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Ladies Night in private room Star Ladies. The Star Wars Ladies Night is a free form discussion group that provides an opportunity for SW fans to discuss issues of interest to women. Join us as we discuss the Star Wars trilogy and its legacy from a woman's point of view. E-mail Ghislaine or LdyTempus for more info. WEDNESDAYS ---------- 10:00 PM ET: Star Wars Round Table Conference (RTC) in public room The Cantina. The RTC is a free form discussion forum about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. E-mail KBusby2256 for information. FRIDAYS ---------- 12:00 Midnight ET: Star Wars Trivia with Shadan2 in The Cantina. The original! SATURDAYS ---------- 8:00 PM ET: Young Jedi Knight Trivia in The Cantina. Hosted by DagdaBless. For Star Wars fans 18 and under. For information, contact STEVENAD or JediCS. ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING/SIMULATIONS ---------- For information, check the Star Wars Sim forum at keyword STARWARS. NEWSLETTER ---------- The HoloCroN, the AOL Star Wars Fan Club newsletter, is published monthly by R5D4Red2. The HoloCroN is available in a plain ASCII text version and graphics-enhanced Windows and Macintosh versions. You can find the latest issue in the Star Wars Software Library. If you'd like to contribute an article, review, thought, or anything, e-mail Thype. Send Jawa Junk (buy/sell/trade) ads to YavinIV. Send art to LonePigeon AND Arlequino And because of a popular demand *********************************** AOLSWFC Staff List (Credit to Holocron V2.9) *********************************** AOL Star Wars Fan Club Chairman: DallaThBlk and JessaDoc Star Wars Fan Forum Host: Callie Sky Membership List: Vader129 (e-mail to join club) HoloCroN (club newsletter): Editor-in-Chief: R5D4Red2 Adviser and Founder: AsaJay Graphics: Arlequino and LonePigeon Submissions: Thype Jawa Junk (buy/sell/trade ads): Yavin IV Comic Columnist: SWKeith :) Copy Editors: Last Gasp & MaIaryush Mac Version: QUEST32681 Windows 3.1 Version: Sionell18 Windows 95 Version: Luke SkyR5 AOLSWFC Website Editor: Dallathblk Website: The AOLSWFC Web-Page By: Dallathblk http://users.aol.com/starwarsfc/swaol.html The HoloCroN Web-Page By: Callie Sky http://www2.psyber.com/~debra/holocron/hc.htm NOTE: Ends with htm, not html Trivia Hosts: Friday: Shadan2 Monday: SWKeith Saturday (Young Jedi Knights): DagdaBless Roundtable Conference Host: MikeFJedi2 Young Jedi Knights Club: JediCS Bylaws Committee: BaronTagge\\OGFTaggeSN Consultant: Skip Shay Founding Member: RaceBann Fan Club Co-Founder and Adviser: Uncle Owen May the Force be with You. And thank you for playing Star Wars Trivia with Shadan2 Please send any inquiries about this mailing to me. Shadan2
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