AOL Star Wars Trivia
Subj: Star Wars Trivia Results Date: 95-07-03 21:20:35 EDT From: A BoyScout To: Uncle Owen, Skip Shay, VADER129, AsaJay To: Jedi Danna Sent on: America Online (using WAOL) <><><> Star Wars Trivia with ABoyScout <><><> <><> Round Six <><> Game Ten <><> Results for June 30, 1995 Round 6 Championships <><><> Prizes <><><> Champion: LordVa912. Dark Empire II Audio Drama, 3 free hours, Topps SW promo cards. 2nd Place: Skywalk989. Topps SW Widevision card set, 2 free hours, Topps SW promo cards. 3rd Place: QwiXux335. Topps SW Widevision card set, 1 free hours, Topps SW promo cards. Random give away - One free hour on AOL: VADER129. Random give away - Topps Promo cards: RotJJedi, JediLeia1, ANoghri. <><><> Points <><><> With 6 points: LeiaSky. With 8 points: Ghent2. With 9 points: Cornerback, LonSolo. With 10 points: DStudebake. With 12 points: Moff33, Seafood99. With 13 points: SmittyBF, YavinIV. With 14 points: DACoates. With 15 points: QwiXux335. With 16 points: Skywalk989. With 17 points: LordVa912. <><><> Questions and Answers <><><> WHAT DID C3P0 CALL CHEWIE IN ESB WHEN HE NOTICED HE WAS BACKWARDS? ANSWER: FLEA BITTEN FURBALL, OVER GROWN MOPHEAD. CREDIT TO LEIA38D. Points: QwiXux335, DACoates, Skywalk989, LeiaSky. WHAT IS THE NICKNAME OF AN X-TIE, MADE UP OF X-WING AND TIE PARTS? ANSWER: UGLY. CREDIT TO ONESWFAN. Points: YavinIV, Moff33, LordVa912, DACoates, LonSolo, Seafood99, Skywalk989, Ghent2, Cornerback, Dstudebake, QwiXux335. HOW MANY TRENCH RUNS DID LUKE MAKE IN ANH? ANSWER: 2. CREDIT TO ROGUE68804. Points: SmittyBF, LonSolo, Moff33, Seafood99, QwiXux335, YavinIV, Cornerback, Skywalk989, Dstudebake, LordVa912. WHAT WAS HAN'S RESPONSE TO LEIA'S "I'D JUST AS SOON KISS A WOOKIE"? ANSWER: "I CAN ARRANGE THAT!" CREDIT TO SCOTT1875. Points: SmittyBF, LordVa912, Cornerback, LonSolo, Seafood99, Ghent2, YavinIV, QwiXux335. FINISH HAN'S ANH QUOTE, "GET DOWN THERE YOU ___ ___, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SMELL." ANSWER: FURRY OAF. CREDIT TO WOLFTHING. Points: SmittyBF, LordVa912, YavinIV, Ghent2, QwiXux335, DACoates, Skywalk989, LonSolo. WHAT IS THE TITLE OF THE THIRD BOOK IN THE ALLEN TRILOGY? ANSWER: SHOWDOWN AND CENTERPOINT. Points: DStudebake, DACoates, Cornerback, Seafood99, LordVa912. WHAT IS THE LAST WORD YODA SAYS? ANSWER: "SKYWALKER". CREDIT TO CORNERBACK. Points: YavinIV, DACoates, Moff33, SmittyBF, Skywalk989, LordVa912, Cornerback, QwiXux335, Ghent2, LeiaSky, Seafood99, DStudebake. WHAT SITH MAGICIAN CREATED MONSTERS ON YAVIN IV? ANSWER: NAGA SADOW. CREDIT TO DACOATES. Points: None. WHAT SPECIES DID EXAR KUN ENSLAVE? ANSWER: MASSASSI. CREDIT TO JEDI99. Points: Ghent2, LordVa912, DACoates, LeiaSky, DStudebake, Moff33, Seafood99, LonSolo, Cornerback, YavinIV, QwiXux335, Skywalk989. INSTEAD OF GOING TO ALDERAAN, LUKE OFFERS TO TAKE BEN TO _________? ANSWER: ANCHORHEAD. CREDIT TO LEIASKY. Points: LeiaSky, YavinIV, Moff33, SmittyBF. WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING IF YOU HAD AN "IDIOT'S ARRAY"? ANSWER: PLAYING SABACC. CREDIT TO LONSOLO. Points: DACoates, YavinIV, LonSolo, QwiXux335. WHO IS "AS CLUMSY AS HE IS STUPID"? ANSWER: ADMIRAL OZZEL. CREDIT TO MOFF33. Points: Moff33, LordVa912, Skywalk989, QwiXux335, DStudebake, SmittyBF, DACoates, Cornerback, Seafood99. IN WHICH STAR SYSTEM DID GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN DIE? ANSWER: BILBRINGI. CREDIT TO TOM1LIN2. Points: SmittyBF. FINISH THIS: "YOU CAME HERE IN THAT THING, . . ." ANSWER: "YOU'RE BRAVER THAN I THOUGHT". Points: LordVa912, SmittyBF, Seafood99, Skywalk989, YavinIV, QwiXux335, DACoates, Ghent2, LonSolo, Moff33. WHO SAID, "THEN YOU'RE AS GOOD AS GONE AREN'T YOU?" ANSWER: LEIA. CREDIT TO LEIA38D. Points: YavinIV, SmittyBF, LordVa912, QwiXux335. IN WHAT BOOK DO WE FIND A SECOND "EMPEROR'S HAND"? ANSWER: CHILDREN OF THE JEDI. Points: Moff33, DACoates, QwiXux335, DStudebake, Skywalk989. WHAT IS THE NAME OF XIM THE DESPOT'S TREASURE SHIP? ANSWER: QUEEN OF RANROON. Points: DACoates, Skywalk989. WHO SHOOTS WEDGES X-WING IN ANH? ANSWER: VADER'S WINGMAN. Points: None. NAME ALL OF DARTH VADER'S LINES WHILE IN THE TRENCH OF THE FIRST DEATH STAR? ANSWER: 1) STAY IN ATTACK FORMATION, 2) I'LL TAKE THEM MYSELF, COVER ME, 3) CLOSE UP FORMATION, 4) LET HIM GO, STAY ON THE LEADER, 5) I'M ON THE LEADER, 6) THE FORCE IS STRONG IN THIS ONE, 7) I HAVE YOU NOW, 8) WHAT? Points: SmittyBF(4), LordVa912(4), QwiXux(2), Moff33(4), YavinIV(3), DACoates(3), Seafood99(4), Cornerback(2), LeiaSky(2), LonSolo(2), Ghent2(2), DStudebake(2), Skywalk989(4). LordVa912, Skywalk989, QwiXux, and DACoates were tied for first so tie breaker questions were used that only they were eligible to answer. As they missed questions, they were eliminated. IN ANH, WHAT KIND OF "TROUBLE" DID HAN FIRST THINK LUKE AND BEN WERE IN? ANSWER: LOCAL TROUBLE. CREDIT TO MOFF33. Points: Skywalk989, LordVa912, QwiXux335. WHAT IS GAERIEL CAPTISON'S DAUGHTER'S NAME? ANSWER: MALINZA. CREDIT TO ONESWFAN. Points: Skywalk989, LordVa912. ACCORDING TO BEN, WHAT DOES TRUTH DEPEND ON? ANSWER: POINT OF VIEW. CREDIT TO CORNERBACK. Points: LordVa912. <><><> Trivia Questions <><><> I need trivia questions! Please send me your trivia suggestions, and you'll get credit and an easy point at the game. Send all questions about any Star Wars material to ABoyScout. <><><> AOL Star Wars Fan Club Schedule <><><> MONDAYS ------- 9:00 PM ET: Star Wars Trivia with Yavin IV in SciFi Chat Room. No fact or number is too trivial. Win free AOL hours and Topps promo cards! WEDNESDAYS ---------- 10:00 PM ET: Star Wars Round Table Conference (RTC) in private room STAR WARS. The RTC is a free form discussion forum about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. FRIDAYS ------- 12:00 Midnight ET: Star Wars Trivia with A BoyScout in SciFi Chat Room. The original! Win free AOL hours and Topps promo cards! ONLINE ROLE-PLAYING/SIMULATIONS ------------------------------- For information, check the Star Wars Sim area at keyword SIM. NEWSLETTER ---------- The HoloCroN, the AOL Star Wars Fan Club newsletter, is published monthly by AsaJay. The HoloCroN is available in a plain ASCII text version and graphics-enhanced Windows and Macintosh versions. You can find the latest issue in the Star Wars Software Library. If you'd like to contribute an article, review, thought, or advert, e-mail AsaJay. If you would like to contribute a graphic to the Windows or Macintosh versions, e-mail Talkytoast. To place an ad to buy or sell Star Wars stuff, e-mail BEAST21589. Email Hooks for information about her Star Wars publication, "Technological Terror". <><><> Next Trivia Game <><><> The current schedule is: July 7 - Round 7 Game 1. Guest host DACoates. July 14 - Round 7 Game 2. July 21, 28, Aug 5 - TBA. May the Force Be With You . . . ABoyScout
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