AOL Star Wars Trivia
Subj: Star Wars Trivia Results Date: 95-05-06 20:03:14 EDT From: A BoyScout To: Uncle Owen, Skip Shay, VADER129, AsaJay To: Jedi Jade, Jedi Danna, RaceBann <><><> Star Wars Trivia with ABoyScout <><><> <><> Round Six <><> Game Four <><> Results for May 05, 1995 <><><> Prizes <><><> Trivia winner - Two free hours on AOL: DACoates, LordVa912. Random give away - One free hour on AOL: Cbreeze100. Random give away - Topps Promo cards: Leia38D, LordVa912, JonOnl7916. <><><> Points <><><> With 1 point: AnakinSolo, Jammo, Russker, Take5. With 2 points: Keyan, LukeSkywk, RotJJedi. With 3 points: Beerden. With 4 points: Cbreeze100, JimJedi, Sithmaster. With 5 points: JediD, KypD94, Latka1011, T3PO, YavinOne. With 6 points: AdmlZaarin, GaeriSky, Milfalcon, Rober51454. With 8 points: DLauriski, Ghent2, JohnP29549, KypDurron. With 9 points: KSBntyHntr. With 10 points: Cornerback, RPosch4304, Womprat20. With 11 points: QwiXux335, TheForce83. With 12 points: CalistaSky, JEDI99, Leia38D, Moff33, OlKaplan, Seafood99, THXILM. With 13 points: ArwenR, DStudebake, MLevine3. With 14 points: DakJanson, JonOnl7916, LeiaSky. With 15 points: JediMatt14. With 16 points: KYPHAN, LonSolo, SmittyBF. With 17 points: DACoates, LordVa912. <><><> Questions and Answers <><><> WHAT DID LEIA EXPECT TARKEN TO BE HOLDING IN ANH? ANSWER: VADER'S LEASH. CREDIT TO BOBA15. Points: LonSolo, Cornerback, LeiaSky, T3PO, LordVa912, ArwenR, DakJanson, SmittyBF, CalistaSky, KypD94, QwiXux335, OlKaplan, DACoates, KYPHAN, Seafood99, TheForce83, KSBntyHntr, KypDurron, Ghent2, THXILM, Sithmaster, JediMatt14, JEDI99, Moff33, Milfalcon. WHAT PLANET ARE TWI'LEKS FROM? ANSWER: RYLOTH. CREDIT TO DACOATES. Points: DACoates, KYPHAN, DLauriski, JEDI99, JohnP29549, T3PO, LordVa912, DStudebake, TheForce83, JediMatt14, LonSolo. WHAT IS ANOTHER NAME FOR THE COPRATE SECTOR AUTHORITY POLICE? ANSWER: ESPO'S. CREDIT TO GAMEJACKAL. Points: SmittyBF, KYPHAN, DACoates, ArwenR, JonOnl7916,QwiXux335, LordVa912, LonSolo, DStudebake, JEDI99, LeiaSky, Rober51454, THXILM, Moff33, Latka1011, KypDurron. WHAT IS PILOT'S RESPONSE TO LEIA'S INSTRUCTIONS FOR ESCAPING HOTH? ANSWER: "TWO FIGHTERS AGAINST A STAR DESTROYER?!" Points: CalistaSky, DakJanson, SmittyBF, JohnP29549, THXILM, KypD94, MLevine3, JonOnl7916, LukeSkywk, Seafood99, ArwenR. WHO WAS THE CAPTURED HUMAN THE SSI RUUK KEPT IN THEIR FLEET? ANSWER: DEV SIBARRA. CREDIT TO LADYVADER2. Points: DStudebake, QwiXux335, Russker, DACoates, JediMatt14, OlKaplan, SmittyBF, KypDurron, Rober51454, RotJJedi, LordVa912, GaeriSky, ArwenR, MLevine3, RPosch4304, DakJanson, TheForce83, LonSolo, KYPHAN, T3PO, JEDI99, Milfalcon, LeiaSky, Womprat20, Sithmaster, AdmlZaarin, JohnP29549, Leia38D, Ghent2, Cornerback, JimJedi, Latka1011, JonOnl7916, THXILM, CalistaSky, Keyan, KSBntyHntr. NAME THE BOUNTY HUNTER HOUNDING HAN IN HIS TRILOGY. ANSWER: GALLANDRO. Points: KYPHAN, LonSolo, JonOnl7916, SmittyBF, LordVa912. IN ROJ, WHAT WAS HAN'S RESPONSE TO LUKE: "I USED TO LIVE HERE YOU KNOW"? ANSWER: "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE HERE YOU KNOW" Points: Moff33, Ghent2, LordVa912, DACoates, Leia38D, T3PO, Cornerback, RPosch4304, JEDI99, Seafood99, AdmlZaarin, Milfalcon, LeiaSky, LonSolo, ArwenR, KYPHAN, GaeriSky, Sithmaster, SmittyBF, JediMatt14, KypD94, DLauriski, KSBntyHntr, DakJanson, JediD, QwiXux335, Take5, JonOnl7916, OlKaplan, Latka1011, Womprat20, THXILM, KypDurron. WHAT SPECIES IS BIB FORTUNA? ANSWER: TWI'LEK. CREDIT TO MOFF33. Points: JohnP29549, JediMatt14, JEDI99, LeiaSky, RPosch4304, DACoates, LordVa912, KYPHAN, KypDurron, SmittyBF, QwiXux335, T3PO, Keyan, DStudebake, Womprat20. ON TATOOINE, WHERE COULD YOU GO TO ERASE THE MEMORY OF A DROID? ANSWER: ANCHORHEAD. CREDIT TO MOFF33. Points: SmittyBF, Womprat20, THXILM, MLevine3, TheForce83, JEDI99, JonOnl7916, JohnP29549, AdmlZaarin, CalistaSky, Jammo, Moff33, KypD94, LonSolo, DACoates, DakJanson, LukeSkywk, Ghent2, JimJedi, LordVa912, Seafood99, DLauriski, OlKaplan, Leia38D, JediMatt14, KypDurron. WHAT IS THE PROCESS THAT THE SSI RUUK USE TO DRAIN/STORE LIVE ENERGY? ANSWER: ENTECHMENT. CREDIT TO STRMTROPER. Points: QwiXux335, CalistaSky, GaeriSky, JimJedi, TheForce83, KSBntyHntr, DACoates, DStudebake, LordVa912, JediMatt14, DakJanson, KypDurron, LeiaSky, Moff33, OlKaplan, Rober51454, KYPHAN, Latka1011, Leia38D, Womprat20. WHO WAS DRIVING THE LANDSPEEDER WHEN LUKE AND C3PO WERE LOOKING FOR R2D2? ANSWER: C3PO. CREDIT TO WOOKIE67. Points: SmittyBF, JonOnl7916, Moff33, DakJanson, RPosch4304, LordVa912, QwiXux335, Latka1011, Rober51454, MLevine3, Cornerback, Leia38D, Seafood99, CalistaSky, Milfalcon, JediMatt14, DACoates, OlKaplan, YavinOne, Womprat20, LeiaSky, Ghent2, Cbreeze100, JediD. WHAT DID HAN SAY AFTER ASKING FOR THE HYDROSPANNERS IN ESB? ANSWER: "I DON'T KNOW HOW WE'RE GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS ONE" Points: CalistaSky. WHO WAS THE GUNNER FOR ROGUE 3 IN ESB? ANSWER: JANSON. CREDIT TO BOBA15. Points: Moff33, DACoates, Ghent2, DakJanson, MLevine3, Leia38D, Womprat20, Seafood99, ArwenR, Cornerback, TheForce83, LeiaSky, LonSolo, JediMatt14. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE BLOCKADE RUNNER AT THE BEGINNING OF ANH? ANSWER: TANTIVE IV. CREDIT TO CAYQELDRMA. Points: LordVa912, MLevine3, DakJanson, JonOnl7916, SmittyBF, DLauriski, Moff33, DACoates, ArwenR, LonSolo, OlKaplan, KypDurron, Ghent2, Seafood99, TheForce83, DStudebake, Leia38D, AdmlZaarin, KYPHAN, THXILM. WHO IS OBIWAN KENOBI'S BROTHER? ANSWER: OWEN LARS. CREDIT TO DACOATES. Points: Womprat20, JediMatt14, KYPHAN, Cornerback, JonOnl7916, Sithmaster, QwiXux335, LordVa912, DStudebake, CalistaSky, MLevine3, TheForce83, DACoates, JEDI99, LeiaSky, DakJanson, THXILM, Leia38D, SmittyBF, RPosch4304, Seafood99, GaeriSky, LonSolo, AdmlZaarin, Moff33, Cbreeze100, ArwenR, KYPHAN, YavinOne, Rober51454, DLauriski, OlKaplan, JediD. WHO/WHAT CARRIED "BLUE MAX" AROUND FOR HAN. ANSWER: BOLLUX. CREDIT TO GAMEJACKAL. Points: LonSolo, LordVa912, KYPHAN, JonOnl7916, DACoates, Seafood99, KypD94, ArwenR, DStudebake, DakJanson, JediMatt14. WHAT WAS THE PLANET THAT HAN WON AND GAVE TO LEIA? ANSWER: DATHOMIR. CREDIT TO LADYVADER. Points: JediMatt14, KYPHAN, TheForce83, JonOnl7916, DakJanson, JEDI99, CalistaSky, DACoates, QwiXux335, Leia38D, RPosch4304, AnakinSolo, Seafood99, SmittyBF, YavinOne, DStudebake, LordVa912, MLevine3, Moff33, LeiaSky, Milfalcon. WHAT TYPE OF FIGHTER WAS GREEN LEADER FLYING IN ROJ? ANSWER: A-WING. CREDIT TO SITHMASTER. Points: LonSolo, MLevine3, JEDI99, KYPHAN, SmittyBF, JohnP29549, TheForce83, LordVa912, ArwenR, Moff33, LeiaSky, OlKaplan, DStudebake, DACoates, THXILM, Ghent2, JediD, JimJedi, JediMatt14, Beerden, RPosch4304, Rober51454, KSBntyHntr. MANY OF OUR HERO'S USED DISGUISES IN THE MOVIES, FOR EACH INSTANCE, NAME THE PERSON AND HIS OR HER COSTUME. ANSWER: 1) LUKE (STORMTROOPER), 2) HAN (STORMTROOPER), 3) LEIA (BOUSHH), 4) LANDO (JABBA'S GUARD), 5) HAN (AT-ST COMMANDER). CREDIT TO MAY44BWU. Points: RotJJedi(1), TheForce83(1), AdmlZaarin(1), KYPHAN(2), JohnP29549(2), GaeriSky(2), Moff33(1), JediMatt14(2), LordVa912(2), LeiaSky(3), JonOnl7916(3), DakJanson(2), SmittyBF(3), DLauriski(3), Leia38D(3), THXILM(3), Seafood99(2), Beerden(2), Milfalcon(1), YavinOne(2), RPosch4304(3), MLevine3(4), QwiXux335(2), JEDI99(2), Womprat20(2), ArwenR(3), JediD(1), DStudebake(3), LonSolo(4), OlKaplan(3), Cornerback(4), JohnP29549(1), KSBntyHntr(4), Cbreeze100(2), CalistaSky(3), DACoates(2). <><><> Cumulative Points <><><> While all players' cumulative points are tracked, only the top fifteen players are listed here. The top ten players are eligible to compete in the Round Six Championship (Game Ten). If you want to know your total, just E-mail me. With 32 points: AnakinSolo, Skywalk989, LonSolo. With 34 points: Cornerback, LeiaSky. With 36 points: DStudebake. With 37 points: KYPHAN. With 38 points: LordVa912. With 40 points: DACoates, JonOnl7916. With 41 points: JEDI99. With 42 points: YavinIV, DakJanson. With 43 points: Seafood99. With 44 points: QwiXux335. With 54 points: SmittyBF. <><><> Trivia Questions <><><> I need trivia questions! Please send me your trivia suggestions, and you'll get credit and an easy point at the game. Send all questions about any Star Wars material to ABoyScout. <><><> Star Wars Round Table Conference <><><> The Star Wars Round Table Conference is held every Wednesday at 10:00 PM EST in private room STAR WARS. The RTC is a free form discussion session about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. If you have any questions about the RTC, e-mail Jedi Jade. <><><> The HoloCroN <><><> The HoloCroN, our club newsletter, is published monthly by AsaJay. You can find the latest issue in the Star Wars Software Library (keyword SF). If you'd like to contribute an article, review, thought, e-mail AsaJay. To place an ad to buy or sell Star Wars stuff, e-mail BEAST21589. Email Hooks for information about her Star Wars publication, "Technological Terror". <><><> Next Trivia Game <><><> The current schedule is: May 12 - Round 6 Game 5. May 19 - Round 6 Game 6. (Guest host LeiaSky with Dark Empire trivia) May 26 - Round 6 Game 7. May the Force Be With You . . . ABoyScout
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