AOL Star Wars Trivia
<><><> Star Wars Trivia with Uncle Owen <><><> <><><> For Fun Repeat Game <><><> Results for September 30, 1994 The last game was a For Fun Repeat Game. Questions from past games were used. No points were tracked. <><><> Prizes <><><> Each week, the trivia winner will receive two free hours on AOL. Another hour and two Topps Star Wars Widescreen promo cards will awarded randomly. <><><> Star Wars Trivia Championships <><><> The Star Wars Trivia Championships will be held October 14. Only the top ten players will be eligible to play in the championship, but everyone is welcome to watch and root for their favorite player. The cumulative scores will not be used for the championship game, i.e., all ten players will start from scratch. If any of the top ten player do not show up by midnight EST, the next ranked person will take their place. Championship Prizes: Champion - Dark Horse Comics Tales of the Jedi trade paperback, two Topps Widescreen promo cards, and 10 free hours on AOL Second Place - Two Topps Widescreen promo cards and 2 free hours on AOL Third Place - Two Topps Widescreen promo cards and 1 free hour on AOL <><><> Trivia Questions <><><> I need trivia questions! Please send me your trivia suggestions, and you'll get credit and an easy point at the game. Questions from the movies are preferred. Also, please note that many questions have already been used in the past 28 games. <><><> Star Wars Round Table Conference <><><> The Star Wars Round Table Conference is held every Wednesday at 10:00 PM EST in private room STAR WARS. The RTC is a free form discussion session about Star Wars and the AOL Star Wars Fan Club. If you have any questions about the RTC, e-mail Jedi Jade. <><><> The HoloCroN <><><> The HoloCroN, the AOL Star Wars Fan Club's newsletter, is published monthly by AsaJay. E-mail him to request the latest issue. Make sure you tell him what type of machine (Mac, PC, etc.) and word processing program (Word, WordPerfect, etc.) you are using. <><><> Next Trivia Game <><><> The next Star Wars Trivia with Uncle Owen will be Friday, October 7 at Midnight EST in the Conerstone Conferences chat room (keyword SF). This will be the last regular game of round before the championship. See you there! Game schedule: Round Three, Game Nine - October 7 Round Three, Game Ten (Round Three Championship) - October 14 Round Four, Game One - October 21 May the Force Be With You . . . Uncle Owen
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